Composting Tips

About a third of the food scraps generated in the United States come from homes. Composting is nature’s way of recycling. Speed up the natural process of decomposition by incorporating composting into your food consumption routine.


Looking to get started? Keep these tips in mind from Curtis Haderlie of WyoFarm Composting, our composting partner:

  1. A bigger pile will work better than a smaller pile.

  2. Home composting typically takes longer so exercise patience.

  3. If your lawn or landscaping is sprayed with pesticides do not use yard trimmings in the compost pile.

  4. Try to keep the pile moist, but not wet and turn it frequently to provide oxygen to the pile.

  5. Use wood chips or straw to cover the pile to reduce odors.

  6. Finished compost will not be warm and will have a nice smell like soil.


Actions to Prevent and Divert Food Waste

  • We aim to help local food donors reduce their excess inventory by tracking the total pounds of food rescued from them.

  • Our main focus as an organization is rescuing excess nutritious food and redistributing it to our food-insecure community members who need it most.

  • Anything we rescue that is unfit for human consumption we send to the animals of Haderlie Farms.

  • Any food the farm animals don’t like is composted with WyoFarm Composting to create nutrient-rich soil.

  • This is our last resort! We put as little as possible (non-recyclable plastics, meat, etc.) into the waste stream.


Make it last with food storage


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